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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Medicare funding and Reibursement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Medicare financing and Reibursement - Essay Example The figures gave in the model have been utilized in the figurings. SNF base rate = 70% balanced by region compensation (emergency clinic wage record) + 30% non-work related bit (base balanced for land factors x RUG weight). The nursing pace of $151 according to (Medpac 2008) will be utilized in the estimation. As far as Participating Physician who acknowledge task on every single case the Physician charges Medicare and the patient 100% of the Medicare affirmed expense which is $125,000 for this situation. Medicare will pay 80% which is equal to $100,000 and the patient will pay 20% which approaches $25,000. As far as a Non-taking an interest Physician who acknowledges task dependent upon the situation Medicare and the patient will be charged for 95% of the Medicare affirmed expense of $125,000. 95% is spoken to by $118,750. Medicare will pay 80% of $118,750 which is equivalent to $95,000 and the patient will pay 20% which is equivalent to $23,750. Regarding Non-taking an interest Physicians who don't acknowledge task the patient is charged for 115% of the Medicare endorsed expense of $125,000. This 115% is equivalent to $143,750. The patient makes the whole installment and Medicare repays 80% of the affirmed charge for non-taking part doctors. Consequently, Medicare would pay 80% of $118,750 which is equivalent to $95,000 and the patient will bear the contrast between what was paid to the Non-partaking Physician which is $143,750 less $95,000, which is equivalent to $48,750. Places for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2010). Truth Sheet: Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System. Recovered: http://www.cms.gov/MLNProducts/downloads/AcutePaymtSysfctsht.pdf. Last got to 31 Mar
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Book review,William Shawcross,Deliver Us From Evil Essay
Book review,William Shawcross,Deliver Us From Evil - Essay Example Boundless forces, helped by astounding schineitif and mechanical accomplishments have rendered the errand or harmony increasingly troublesome. A little slip-up by the dynamic authority could bring about colossal misfortunes to humankind. The war of press catches is incomprehensibly catastrophic than the war of weapons that were utilized by the war-machine during the I and II World Wars. William Showcross shows the incredible coercion under which Kofi Annan worked. Disappointment of men like Kofi Annan is the disappointment of UN, as Showcross puts it concisely. The reason for the book, extensively, is to feature why UN bombs in its admitted goals of building up harmony in the disturbed areas. For instance, about Iraq, he composes, when United States and Britain did bombings for four days, in 1998, Annan offered a short expression, â€Å"This is a miserable day for the United Nations, and for the worldâ€it is likewise a dismal day for me personally.†(Showcross, p. 33) Showcross has featured in the book, how the Secretary General, needs to work under troublesome conditions, will be decisively accused by the enduring individuals, for purportedly favoring one side with the super powers like USA, UK and USSR. Another war will bring about all out pulverization of the world. Yet, territorial clashes are on the ascent, compromise world harmony, and the unforeseen blazes can not be precluded. In this manner, the lawful contentions for compassionate mediation, is required and the world heads have no other choice however to seek after it enthusiastically. The book features the absence of worldwide insight framework to encourage the worldwide merge and government funded instruction required to assemble and support global peacekeeping activities. From the monetary point of view, UN harmony keeping activities rely on the financing by the contributing countries. Regardless of whether they will give the gradual help required during the enormous harmony keeping activities
Friday, August 14, 2020
Conversations with graders
Conversations with graders As promised in my last entry, it has been quite a week! Tuesday night I completed the machine tools class, which means I finished making my corny little flashlight: Now I can use a milling machine and a lathe, which I think makes me pretty cool, thank you very much. I got to put those new skills to work just last night, when I helped turn (turn= verb for using the lathe to machine something) a pin for the pedalbox of the FSAE car. So far for FSAE Ive made minor contributions to the frame, the body mold, the steering rack, and the pedalbox. Oh, and the wheels, but Im not sure if the part I worked on will actually be used on the car. Pretty cool. Wednesday I took an 18.03 exam. It was an adventure. I didnt do nearly as well as I had hoped. There were a couple of concepts that I couldnt quite remember how to do and a couple that I just plain left blankbut the cool part was that I got nearly 100% correct of the parts that I answered- including the ones I sort of blundered my way through. The good news is that Im starting to understand more and more as time goes on- so even though theres plenty of room for improvement, Im confident that I actually will improve. On Tuesday, my 18.03 TA handed out evaluations for us to fill out about him. I suggested that we work in small groups on the recitation problems, because wellI need help in 18.03. (More on that later.) On Thursday, he handed out the problems as usual and then said, So on Tuesday someone suggested working in small groups on these problems, so why dont we try that? And I was like hey! That was my suggestion! It was pretty cool. I thought it was really awesome of him to go out of this way to hand out these evaluations and then actually consider our responses. Speaking of 18.03I am unhappy with my grader, but not because of the grade they gave me at all. See, I have this weird habit oftaking colorful notes with offhand comments in the margins, littering my scratch work with emoticons (smiley and sad and confused faces according to my feelings about my answers as I go through the work), and writing little notes on anything that I know will be graded by hand by an actual human being. For example, on the AP Physics test last year, there was some question involving all kinds of calculus that Id never even heard of. I did my best from what I knew and understood, trying to make sense of the math as I worked through it. At the end of the page, I wrote my answer. Beneath that, I wrote, Whew. That was hard. Im not really sure why I do these things; I suppose its just one of my odder quirks, but I do it all the time. For example, on the last 18.03 pset. There was this one problem that was just so well-written. I dont mean that it was a clever word problem, I mean they gave you some function and you had to go through this elaborate process involving complex exponentials and taking the real and imaginary parts of things and converting them back and forth and integrating and all kinds of nonsenseand then in the end, the answer was 4. I mean, it was some single-digit whole nice number. And then part B of the question involved some other manner of complex calculation (well, maybe its not so complex, but it seems that way too me) and you get 7. It was just so cool. So after doing all the work, in the margin of the page I wrote something like, this question was cool because it was really well designed. Good job. =) And when I got the pset back, the grader had written I dont think you can suck up to professors through psets ! This made me really angry. If I wanted to suck up to a professor, I wouldnt write comments on something that only gets seen by some poor undergrad grader. I was tempted to write that (plus so there! at the end) on my next pset but wellconsidering that my gradergrades methat doesnt seem like the best idea. After this, I was really worried to get back my 8.02 pset. Youd think that if my 18.03 grader didnt like my complimeting the problem, that my 8.02 grader would be even more annoyed at the fact that I wrote This problem was worthless. =( at the end of question 2. (To be fair, I wrote this at like 3 AM. And the problem was worthless. You basically had to make up some numbers and do this meaningless calculation that taught you absolutely nothing about physics.) Well, my 8.02 grader had written. Welcome to physics. Get used to it. =( . I personally found this really funny. I think this just goes to show how people here are not happy unless theyre unhappy. =/ On Thursday I donated blood and was awarded a sticker that said Be nice to me, I donated blood today. =) There were others that had pictures of teddy bears on them that said Hug me, I donated blood today but I personally thought that wearing one of those could be a little dangerous. Responses to comments: Drew said about my recent hack entry: That hack although not as extensive as some of the others is still pretty entertaining. The one that I remember was told to me by my interviewer who took part in the hack. Some years back they set up around the dome some lettering that had been rolled up a night or two before a presentation given for the entering class. The message was revealed at the start, from Dantes work, Abandon all hope, ye who enter Thats a classic. Actually, my roommates dad was in the entering class that was welcomed to MIT with that hack. She says he loves to tell stories about it all the time. =) Mike said: As a freshman, how did you decide on laptop versus desktop, and what influenced that decision one way or the other? Hmm, thats a good question. I have a laptop, but I honestly didnt put much thought into it. I guess I just figured that a laptop would be smaller and easier to bring with me. I stayed with a friend of the family at Penn State once. Her roommate had a desktop, and it just struck me as so big when put into a college dorm room. *grin* To be fair, dorm rooms here are pretty big (well, mine is at least), but still, I think its just easier to have a laptop. That said, practically no one brings their laptops to class, although I know people on FSAE and other clubs like them because they can bring them to meetings so they can do work and show others what theyve done. I think there are definite advantages to having a laptop, but I also dont think that having a desktop would be a big problem. Chris said: heyyy, new jersey huh? where in jersey do you live? there is absolutely nothing to do in NJim from Linwood, basically right next to Ocean City. Im from Middletown, Monmouth County, right by Sandy Hook..exit 114, if you want to do the parkway thing. And I like NJ! Although its probably mostly because now that I live with people from all over the country I get harassed about it all the time and feel an intense need to defend my home. =) Tomorrow: Im going to the Manchester FIRST regional!!! =D
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Support Teaching and Learning Essay - 1418 Words
Support Teaching and Learning 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, 2.21, 2.22 Planning, implementing and evaluating activities are a good way to help structured learning, to see pupils progress and for improvements where necessary and if targets are achieved to go beyond and help pupils think for themselves encouraging independence. These 3 things regarding the activity help to choose the right and appropriate resources, the learning objectives to be achieved, cross-curricula links, for instance, for geography using pictures and writing about the country also is linked with literacy. It helps by asking pupils key questions, then implementing the activity and†¦show more content†¦Barriers can be behaviour, SEN children and language for children with EAL. Attendance due to illness can contribute to insufficient learning due to missed lessons and emotional problems due to the home or at school also are causes of difficulties in learning. There are many positive things that can be done to assist students with behaviour issues, such as, calming them down, praising the child and encouragement can lead to effective learning. With SEN children or children with EAL using the right resources (making sure that they are age appropriate) and hand gestures and speaking clearly really can support a child and with their self-esteem, promoting a positive attitude towards their education. As can 1:1 support as per their statements. Attendance and emotional problems could be helped by reporting it to the right professionals who can look into the situation and find a solution to reach the common goal that every child has a right to an education. For autistic children, the best use of a personalised learning resource is usually through a computer, this occupies them longer, as they are more visual learners. Software has been developed, especially for children with ASD, for reading and aiding to understand facial expressions, i.e., sad, happy or anger. As children are developing and growing, it is an important factor to always promote independence through support and encouragement. For example, aShow MoreRelatedAsynchronous Technologies Support Learning And Teaching909 Words  | 4 Pagescombination of the two. Synchronous learning environments support learning and teaching and offer students and teachers with multiple ways of interacting, sharing, and the ability to collaborate and ask questions in real-time through synchronous learning technologies. Examples of synchronous online technology types include videoconferencing, webcasts, interactive learning models, and telephone conferences (Er et al., 2009; eLearners.com, 2012). 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Paul Robeson - 955 Words
Paul Robeson was a famous African American athlete, singer, actor and advocate for the civil rights of people around the world. He rose to prominence in a time when segregation was legal in America and black people were being lynched by white mobs, especially in the South. Born on April 9, 1898 in Princeton, New Jersey, Paul Robeson was the youngest of five children. His father was a runaway slave who went on to graduate from Lincoln University, and his mother came from a family of Quakers who worked for the abolition of slavery. His family was familiar with hardship and the determination to rise above it. His own life was no less challenging. In 1915, Paul won a four-year academic scholarship to Rutgers University. In spite of†¦show more content†¦It was greeted with the largest audience response since Orson Welles famous War of the Worlds. During the 1940s, Robeson continued to perform and speak out against racism in the U.S. and for peace among nations. As a passionate believer in international cooperation, Robeson protested the growing cold war hostilities and worked tirelessly for friendship and respect between the U.S. and the USSR. In 1945, he headed an organization that challenged President Truman to support an anti-lynching law. In the late 1940s, when dissent was scarcely tolerated in the U.S., Robeson openly questioned why African Americans should fight in the army of a government that tolerated violent racism. Because of his outspokenness, he was accused by the Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) of being a Communist. Robeson saw this claim as an outright attack on the democratic rights of the many people like himself who work for friendship with other nations, and equal rights for all people. This accusation nearly ended his career. Eighty of his concerts were canceled, and in 1949 two outdoor con certs in Peekskill, N.Y. were attacked by white mobs while state police stood by complacently. In response, Robeson declared, I going to sing wherever the people want me to sing... and I wont be frightened by crosses burning in Peekskill or anywhere else. In 1950, the U.S. government revoked Robesons passport, leading to anShow MoreRelatedEssay on Paul Robeson906 Words  | 4 PagesPaul Robeson was a famous African American athlete, singer, actor and advocate for the civil rights of people around the world. He rose to prominence in a time when segregation was legal in America and black people were being lynched by white mobs, especially in the South. Born on April 9, 1898 in Princeton, New Jersey, Paul Robeson was the youngest of five children. His father was a runaway slave who went on to graduate from Lincoln University, and his mother came from a family of QuakersRead More Paul Robeson Essay991 Words  | 4 PagesPaul Robeson Paul Robeson as a scholar and athlete was a two-time All-American in football and baseball, a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and valedictorian of his high school and college class. As an entertainer he starred in eleven movies, five Broadway musicals, and sang in sold out concerts throughout the world in twenty-five different languages. As a statesman he became known as the citizen of the world, who spoke out whenever he saw social or racial injustices in any country, and spent hisRead MoreLena Mary Calhoun Horne : An Advocate For Civil Rights And The Abolition Of Segregation1065 Words  | 5 PagesCafà © Society nightclub, popular with both black and white artists and intellectuals. 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Robeson is presenting an empoweringRead MoreJackie Robinson : African American Civil Rights Activist1181 Words  | 5 Pagesabout jobs and discrimination. Robeson, Paul. â€Å"You Are the Un-Americans, and You Ought to be Ashamed of Yourselves†. Testimony of Paul Robeson before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 12 June. 1956. This is a transcript of Paul Robeson, an All-American football, became an actor and a political speaker. In 1949, Robeson was the cover of newspapers. There were public statements saying that African Americans would not fight in â€Å"an imperialist war.†Later, Robeson refused to sign proving thatRead MoreRacism in the American Society in the 1920s Essay example1000 Words  | 4 PagesBlacks always had a tough time, this is due to the stereotypical view that the people had of them. The whites believed that the Blacks were primitive, illiterate and criminals. However, this view was not true, a good example would be Paul Robeson who was the son of a former slave and passed his law exams with honours from Columbia University in 1923. White governments feared that the Blacks would take power, and so introduced many laws which took away their freedom (theyRead MoreThe Civil Rights Achievements Of The Famous African American Actor, Canada Lee1333 Words  | 6 Pagesbe omitted from the blacklist if he gave the name of Paul Robeson (a fellow Civil Rights activist and famous singer/actor) to the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS). However, Lee refused to give into this form of blackmail, which resulted in his being banned from all Hollywood films and theater work in the United States. This blacklisting would lead to the fall of his career during this historical period: The legacies of Paul Robeson and Canada Lee have been tainted by the blacklist machine;Read MoreAfrican American Vernacular1239 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Go down Moses†served a dual purpose during the times of slavery. Spirituals were used as a code between the slaves to aide with the task of attempting to escape slavery or the thought of escaping from bondage. â€Å"Go down Moses†first recorded by Paul Robeson, is a song riddled with ambiguous tones. On the surface, this song tells the story of the Israelites as slaves, which is found in the books of Genesis and Exodus. Moses was called by God to instruct Pharaoh to free the Israelites from the bondagesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello : Race And Performance6373 Words  | 26 Pagesjealousy, and betrayal, audiences to this day continue to be emotionally affected by Othello?s struggle. Not only will this essay illustrate racial issues within the text of the play itself, but also the black Shakespearean actors like Ira Aldridge, Paul Robeson, and James Earl Jones, who suffered severe racial discrimination and were still able to defy racial stereotypes throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the segregated United States, addressing how the actors were emotionally affectedRead MoreNigger : The Folklore Of His Life970 Words  | 4 Pagesadversity and have helped to dispel the myth of Black inferiority. No person was more influential in the world of music and sociopolitical issues that the incomparable Paul Leroy Robeson. Born to parents with different ancestral backgrounds, positioned to become subservient in a racist society, and overcoming tragedy at a young age, Robeson was emboldening in his resolve to succeed. Exceedingly proficient in his academic achievements, and an athlete that broke racial barriers with superb athleticism and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Acquisition of a Good Education Free Essays
Education is defined as acquiring skills. There are many different ways to be educated and many subjects that can be studied. A good education is one that teaches a student to think. We will write a custom essay sample on Acquisition of a Good Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is proven by Edith Hamilton, Malcolm X, and Adrian Rich in their works to define what they believe about learning and its importance to our world. In Edith Hamilton’s essay, The Ever-present Past, she described a good education as one that is modeled after the ancient Greek’s ideas. She defines being educated as being â€Å"able to be caught up into a world of thought†(752). The Greeks were taught to think. They were cultivated on an individual level so that they knew how to conceive ideas on their own. During the times of the ancient Greeks students were shown how to appreciate poetry, music, arts, and mathematics. They carried their education of thought into their government and their ways of life. The era of the ancient Greeks was laid by the teachings of their schools and therefore helped make them into a notable civilization. Today, Hamilton believes that with our set way of teaching we are not encouraging individuals to think. She concludes that we are â€Å"headed towards a standardization of minds†(756). Hamilton believes that we need to challenge our society to shape our educational goals after those of the Greeks. With the problems our world faces we should study how the Greeks triumphed in a savage world and how they were educated to do so. Then maybe we can learn how to prevent the â€Å"standardization of the minds†in our society and avoid repeating the ill-fated history of the ancient Greeks (754). In Malcolm X’s, â€Å"Freedom Through Learning To Read†, a chapter of his autobiography, he describes a good education as being able to understand life. He wrote of how he desired to acquire more knowledge. This inner struggle began when he envied his friend’s intelligence and when he was unable to express himself eloquently in letters. From that point he began to read everything. Malcolm X started by copying a dictionary to learn all the words he could. From there he never spent fifteen minutes free time without a book (48). As he studied the works of Mr. Elijah Muhammad he realized how the history of the black Americans were not included in most books. He searched to find a book to learn the history of the African-Americans and finally found a few that taught him about slavery (49). Malcolm X said that through his domestic education a new world had been opened up to him. He achieved his goal of learning to read and through that obtain what is considered by many a good education. He was able to read, understand, and form ideas and opinions based on what he had read (53). Through reading Malcolm X was capable of expressing his own views and our society benefited greatly from this self-educated man. In Adrienne Rich’s, â€Å"Claiming An Education†, a speech given at Douglass College, she describes a good or serious education as the study of languages, ideas, methods, and values (58). Part of being educated is â€Å"refusing to let others do your thinking, naming, or talking for you†(59). Some of the most important things needed to fulfill intellectual independence are to learn the ways of rationalizing, deep discussions, and writing. Rich writes about how it is our own responsibility to claim an education and how we should not sell ourselves short (59). In order to learn we first need to assess what we hear and read in our courses to form an opinion (57). In order to form an opinion, Rich says that we have to first commit ourselves to our studies and expect others to show us respect. Rich describes an education as a commitment and a responsibility (59). Throughout these essays the main ideas were that to be educated a student has to be an individual and be able to think. There are many arguments over what we should study and how we should be taught. There is no wrong or right way to teach or certain subjects that need to be studied. As long as the students are taught to think for themselves and have the desire to learn, they will be able to obtain a good education. How to cite Acquisition of a Good Education, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Critical Review of Global Issues
Question: Discuss about theCritical Review of Global Issues. Answer: Introduction Two events on a global scale have taken place which will have implications on the businesses in Australia. The first event is the slowdown which has taken place in China along with the crisis that has occurred in the confidence of the Chinese investors. As per a new report of the IMF, it is expected that a crackdown that has taken place on cheap credit in China will cause a reduction in the Chinas real GDP growth rate to 6.8% in the current year from the 7.4% which was there last year. This is expected to weaken the demand for the commodities of Australia, thus impacting its business (IMF, 2016). The second event is the relationship that Australia has with Indonesia which very recently had an impact on the import quota of live cattle. Indonesia has cut its import quota in relation to the live cattle from Australia. This quota was reduced to only 50,000 head of cattle and instead of the expected figure of 500,000-600,000 cattle it is expected that the figure will be 200,000 less in th e coming year (Owens, 2015). This paper will be assessing the impact of the two events on Australian businesses to figure out the one which has the greatest importance. Chinese Economic Situation The economy of China with low economic growth is undergoing a tough phase of transition. In 2015, the Chinese economy at 7% registered its lowest growth in 24 years. The slowing down of the potential economic growth of China is in line with the economic law. The economic growth of the country has turned from a high rate of approximately 10% to approximately 7% which can be considered a moderate rate. If the structure pertaining to the essential factors is analysed, it indicates that changes have taken place in the demographic population with the decrease the total population in the working age, contributing negatively to the economic growth. This results in lower saving rates and the contribution of capital accumulation to the countrys economic growth starts to decline. This weakens the comparative advantage with respect to labour that is enjoyed by the country for producing goods, causing substantial slowdown of export trade (Li, 2015). As per the comparative advantage theory, it is sensible for a nation to produce the goods which it has the ability of producing most efficiently and buy from the other nations, the goods which it produces less ef ficiently (Hill et al., 2015). The progress technologically and labour capital have remained stable in the short-term causing the total factor productivity to become slow. The contribution of the Chinese service industry to the GDP has increased, making it a leader in case of economic growth. As the labour productivity is less in it in comparison to the secondary industry, the rate of economic growth decreases. The stock markets of China have fallen as the overall economic growth has slowed down and both the economy as well as the stock market cannot remain disparate for long (Jericho, 2015). The Impact of Chinese Situation on Australian Businesses and Trade The economic downturn of China and the prospect of weak growth worldwide related to it are posing a threat to stall the global progress (Harlan, 2016). China is the biggest trading partner of Australia and thus the economic fortunes of Australia are linked to China very intrinsically particularly after the free trade agreement which was signed between the two nations in the latter part of the previous year (Ma, 2015) . China happens to be Australias top export destination with exports worth $82.9 billion in 2014 (OEC, 2015). Although the plunge in the stocks of China is expected to have smaller direct impacts but the slump in the economy and the demand for the Australian goods and services will have greater effects on Australias economy (Jericho, 2015). It will also have an adverse affect on the prices of commodities especially the ones significant for Australia (McKenna, 2016). Among the primary reasons for the economic slowdown in China is the restructuring occurring within the economy. The economy of China is changing from being export-oriented wherein it was producing for being consumed by other nations to an economy of domestic consumption. The Government is trying to end inequality of wealth by shifting it to the middle class resulting in high disposal incomes of the middle class. The Australian businesses can take advantages of such a scenario. Even though the traditional focus of the trade relationships of Australia have been on commodities like iron ore, the new situation brings in more opportunities for the companies of Australia. Growth opportunities are large in a number of other industries like retail, real estate, services and tourism that match restructuring and growth of the Chinese economy (Ma, 2015). Australia-Indonesia Relationship In 2014-2015, the cattle exports from Australia to Indonesia amounted to A$1.35 billion (ALEC, 2016). However, the export industry was surprised when Indonesia slashed the quota for the Australian cattle. As per the Australian Livestock Exporters Council, the quota was done by 250,000 in comparison to the previous quarter. One of the reasons for this is thought to be the frosty relationship between the two nations which had suffered recently due to execution of two drug smugglers from Australia by Jakarta and allegations paid by Canberra in turning the asylum-seekers to Indonesia again mostly a result of the close geographical proximity of the two nations. Another reason is the attempt of Indonesia to develop self sufficiency. However, currently, this is likely lead to cattle shortage in Indonesia, reduction in number of slaughters and rise in beef prices (Owens, 2015). The comparative advantage theory can explain this trade relationship between Australia and Indonesia also. Australia produces cattle more efficiently and in surplus amounts which it can export to Indonesia while Indonesia is not self sufficient and efficient in the production of cattle which it can therefore import form its neighbour Australia. Importing it from other nations like Brazil which have surplus production would involve high costs of transportation. This is in accordance to the Heckscher and Ohlin theory as per which it is argued that comparative advantage is a result of differences that exist in the endowment of national factors. Countries will thus be exporting those goods which can make intensive utilisation of the factors that are present in abundance locally and import the goods which make intensive utilisation of the locally scarce factors (Hill et al., 2015). Impact of the Australia-Indonesia Relationship on Australian Businesses and Trade Till recently, Indonesia was the biggest market for live cattle export from Australia and this industry provided employment to thousands of Australians. Of all the imports from Australia, a mere 6% was amounted by live cattle as well as meat which are about one-fourth of imports of Indonesia from Australia. 40-65% of the live cattle are exported to Indonesia which is approximately 20-30% of the beef consumption of Indonesia. These exports are equal to 0.2% of the total exports of Australia related to goods and services. Even though the exports are very small in respect to the entire Australian economy, it has regional significance particularly in Western Australia and the Northern territory which account for 35% and 40% respectively of the live cattle market share and Indonesia has a heavy reliance on Australia in this category (The Conversation, 2013). Additionally, the cattle export industry provides support to almost 11,000 jobs which will be affected by the ban (Alford Franklin, 2011). This scenario can be viewed as a positive one also for Australia. The reduction in the exports of live cattle will mean that more of it will be available for domestic consumption and at lower prices. Besides this, Australia can think in terms of exporting live cattle to other nations in the region such as Vietnam. Australia can also adopt certain more labour intensive aspects for processing the beef and then exporting it which would free the resources for food production of other types in which other Asian nations might be having a competitive advantage. The beef producing market could make additional contributions of $204m to the economy of the regional. This would also create additional jobs (ACIl Talsman, 2012). Conclusion An analysis of the implications of both the global events on the Australian businesses and trade show that the slowdown in China is likely to have greatest importance for the businesses and trade of Australia as in terms of volume China is the leading trading partner of Australia. Australia has also signed a free trade agreement with China recently. Australia will have to look to make investments in the sectors of China that are undergoing restructuring and have potential of growth rather than the energy sector which is currently the main one. As far as the quota cut for cattle export to Indonesia is concerned, Australia can always make efforts to find new nations for its products or increase the domestic supply or even start processing the beef and exporting it. This way the people of this industry will be able to retain their jobs. References ACIl Talsman, 2012. An economic analysis of the live exportation of cattle from Northern Australia. [Online] Available at: https://www.rspca.org.au/sites/default/files/website/Campaigns/Live-export/Live-exports-vs-the-meat-trade/ACIL%20Tasman%202012%20-%20Economic%20analysis%20of%20live%20cattle%20exports.pdf [Accessed 5 September 2016]. ALEC, 2016. Livestock Export Statistics. 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